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If you’re a fan of Superhero movies or frequent social media, the chances are you’ve heard of Bosslogic, or at the very least have happened upon one of his pieces mid scroll and taken the time to fist bump your phone. If neither of these things are true then stay tuned because this guy is making waves.

His real name is Kode Abdo, an artist from Melbourne, Australia and in our humble opinion an incredibly talented digital artist. Abdo is a hardcore fan of everything nerd; from Star Wars, to Superhero movies, comic books, anime and videogames, he covers it all. He has an in-depth knowledge of the characters, the stories but more importantly he knows what fans want... and sometimes that’s a multiverse mashup:

The mashups are fun, but are they having any effect on the industry? Frankly, no, but another form of the Aussie artist’s content has gained the attention of his industry heroes- specifically his unofficial character depictions based on casting announcements. Check out this piece he made following the announcement that Andy Serkis was to play Alfred Pennyworth in the future adaptation of Batman:

Studios have realised Abdo’s invaluable ability to build hype around the project. His social media fan art has, over time, turned him into an industry professional. Abdo’s mock ups of his dream casting, for the likes of John Boyega as Blade and John Cena as Duke Nukem, has ultimately led to collaborating with DC’s Chief Creative Officer Jim Lee on the official concept art for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Black Adam.

Even with his success he still makes his non-commissioned art of dream and rumoured casting on his social media pages, staying true to his original fanbase (respec’). There have been instances when a casting rumour has echoed through the grapevine and I cringe at the thought of a certain actor sullying a character that once brought me such joy and excitement. Bosslogic has used his powers of visualisation for good and has changed my mind time and time again with his original content. This guy is certainly making a name for himself in this niche area business. Keep an eye out for him, we expect great things.

Images/Artwork owned by BossLogic

Instagram : @Bosslogic

Written by : Jack Murphy



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